Last Friday was supposed to be 70 degrees and Sunny. It was nice out, of course, but the sun didn't come out until noon or just after! Either way, it was a wonderful reminder of what's to come at the end of a blistery winter. We took full advantage of the short break from Winter. Bryan got a clothes line from one of our neighbors who recently moved away, so the night before I asked Bryan to set it up. I remembering hating it when my mother would dry our clothes on the line because they became so stiff and coarse, but Bryan wanted to try it, so I used the nice weather as a trial run. It worked out well because the puppies wanted to stay outside EVERY minute! They played and played until they fell asleep. Then they woke up, and played some more! When Bryan came home, we took the dogs for a walk at the Rt 40 park and he cooked dinner for us on the grill as an homage to the coming of Spring!
The hardest part of it all was trying to keep myself from taking out all of my tank tops and wearing my flip flops for the next week. Of course, Winter bore its ugly head again a few days later with inches of snow just to further break our spirits. It felt like a tease, but it may have been just enough to keep me hopeful that Spring is right around the corner. I'll be rather glad when it's finally here!

The puppies enjoying the weather... and the lack of snow in the backyard
I couldn't wait to get Scarlett outside that day lol but the pictures look horrible. She's beautiful, of course, but everything in the background looks grey and dead from winter. It felt beautiful but it still looks cold in the pictures. I can't wait for some GREEN.
Haha, I thought the same thing with all of the dead grass in my pictures of the dogs. I really need to have kids so that I stop taking pictures of my dog like a crazy person...
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