Our first stop on the ferry was Ellis Island. Due to the ferry schedule, we were unable to get through the entire museum, but we made it through the majority of the exhibits. It was all very interesting. Bryan said he went as a child but didn't remember much from it - completely understandable. It wasn't exactly the type of museum that would easily keep a child's attention.
The next and final stop on the ferry was the Statue of Liberty. This ended up being my favorite part of the entire trip. It was very surreal to see something close up that you've heard so much about and seen so much your entire life. It was definitely something that made you say, "Why did I wait so long to do this?" Once again, we were at the mercy of the ferry and we had to rush through the museum part of the monument, but walking the 150+ steps to the foot of the statue took the cake. It was an amazing trip and I plan to go back - most definitely.
I love the last picture.
I love the last one too!!!
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